General 180: Online Creditor Supplier Form
The Payments Team have recently developed an online creditor/supplier form, linked here: Supplier / Creditor – Create or Amend
You may be redirected to this link if you’ve requested a new LEA that is not currently on Devon County Council’s system.
Alternatively, if an LEA needs to be updated, you will need to complete the form using the ‘existing entity’ option.
Employment Status Screening
You may be prompted to complete an Employment Status Check depending on the services your supplier is providing.
Please ensure this is completed prior to submitting the LEA request.
Once you’ve received the results of your Employment Status Determination Statement, please use the reference number on the email subject line in the ‘ESI Reference’ field on the form.
*This is mandatory – you will not be able to proceed to the next stage of the form without this.
Type and Purpose of Entity
You will need to select one of the following options:
- Non-business – an individual for reimbursement i.e. member of staff, parent of pupil.
- Business (supplier) – includes Sole Trader, Limited Company, LLP.
- Creditor Type: select the relevant creditor / supplier type. If you are unsure on the creditor type, please select either individual or business in line with the above options.
- Purpose: select the relevant option in line with your invoice. If you are unsure what is deemed as ‘goods only’, please contact the Payments Team for advice.
Entity (LEA) Name: Joe Bloggs Subscription Services Ltd
- Select the Type of Entity required: Business (Supplier)
- Creditor Type: Limited Company
- Purpose: Goods Only
Contact Details for Entity
- Individual Name: use either the business’ name, or a specific contact name within the business i.e. Joe Bloggs (Accounts Department).
- Address: populate the business’ address (the form prefers if you insert the postcode first, then backfill the rest of the address).
- Payment Advice Email Address: Main / Remittance email address.
- Purchase Order Email Address: Main / Supplier email address.
*Please note, a contact telephone number and address is mandatory for all business suppliers.
Account Details
- All schools must select the ‘Partner’ option.
- Account Details: populate the business’ BACS details, as per your invoice.
VAT Details
- VAT Registered? Select whether the supplier is VAT registered.
If yes, you will need to have their VAT registration number available. - Company Registration Number: if this information is available to you (included on your invoice), please add this to the form.
Additional Information
This section is optional.
Should you wish to include any additional or relevant information to the supplier’s record, please use this field.
Requisitioner Details
This section is to include your (the school’s) information.
What happens next?
You will receive an automated email titled ‘Submission Confirmation’ containing a submission reference number – this is not to be confused with the LEA Reference Number.
Your request will join a queue in chronological order of your respective submission reference number.
The Payments Team have the option to either approve or reject your request – this will be dependent on whether the information you have supplied is accurate, or whether further information is required.
If your request is accepted, you will receive a new automated email confirming the supplier’s name and the LEA Reference number.
If the request is rejected, you will receive a new automated email confirming the supplier’s name and the reason your request was rejected.
If you have any queries, please contact, or call on 01392 383317.