Helping communities to be safe, connected and resilient "*" indicates required fields This field is hidden when viewing the formPriorityThis field is hidden when viewing the formVersionSubmit your feedback about this priority and what we will be doing by completing this short survey. We will not ask for any identifiable information and we ask that you avoid including any personal or sensitive information in your responses. The feedback you submit will be reviewed and considered as part of the development of our action plan. Who are you providing feedback on behalf of?* As a person who lives in Devon As part of or on behalf of an organisation As a Devon County Council member of staff Name of organisation*What area of Devon County Council do you work in?* Adult Care and Health Adult Commissioning and Health Children’s Social Care Communities, Public Health Environment and Prosperity Education and Learning, Virtual School Economy, Enterprise and Skills Digital Transformation and Business Support Finance Highways, Infrastructure, Development and Waste Legal and Communications Organisational Development including HR Planning, Transportation and Environment Member What should Devon County Council be doing to meet this priority?*How can you and your team work differently to meet this priority?* What could you do to help meet this priority?*What could your organisation be doing to help meet this priority?*What opportunities might there be for you to work with your local community to help us meet this priority?* How can Devon County Council help?How can Devon County Council support you and your team to help meet this priority?* Would you be happy for us to follow up on the feedback you have provided? (if yes please supply your email address below, otherwise your responses will be anonymous).Email address Review your feedback {all_fields}CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ