MPS: Supported living
- Introduction
- MPS: Supported living
- MPS: Supported livingMarket opportunities summary
MPS: Supported living
Market opportunities summary
The intention is to commission supported living and carer households through a framework agreement. A review of future commissioning is beginning and the market will be engaged during 2020 on developing future arrangements.
Commissioners will continue administering ‘interim supported living’ shared-hour agreements until any replacement contract arrangement is in place.
Framework timetable
The timetable for a new framework:
Phase 1: Planning stage | Phase 2: Procurement stage | New contract commences |
Agreement of key principles. Engagement with providers and operational teams. Development of specification. Formal consultation on proposals Finalise specification Commenced July 2019, Completion March 2020 |
Draft and finalise Tender documents, invite bids and evaluate, sign off award of contracts
Commences Sept 2020, completed Spring 2021 |
Spring 2021 |
(Return to the Market Position Statement)
Last updated: 09/10/2020