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Supporting health and social care providers in Devon

MPS: Supported living

MPS: Supported living

Market opportunities summary

Market opportunity - supporting living

The intention is to commission supported living and carer households through a framework agreement. A review of future commissioning is beginning and the market will be engaged during 2020 on developing future arrangements.

Commissioners will continue administering ‘interim supported living’ shared-hour agreements until any replacement contract arrangement is in place.

Framework timetable

The timetable for a new framework:

Phase 1: Planning stage Phase 2: Procurement stage New contract commences

Agreement of key principles. Engagement with providers and operational teams.

Development of specification.

Formal consultation on proposals

Finalise specification

Commenced July 2019,

Completion March 2020

Draft and finalise Tender documents, invite bids and evaluate, sign off award of contracts


Commences Sept 2020, completed Spring 2021

Spring 2021



(Return to the Market Position Statement)

Last updated: 09/10/2020

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