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Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) – May 2019

LDPB A.G.M held on 21st May 2019

Summary of meeting

The LDPB discussions included:

Co-Chairs Report

Robert Hawken

Robert introduced himself to the group and told them he had completed a report which would tell everyone what he has been doing on behalf of the board. This included:

Attending meetings, forums, workshops and networking events.

Learning Disability Mortality Review Programme in Devon

Simon Polak – Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, CCG

Karen Murrish – Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) Coordinator


Since the 1990s, reports and case studies have highlighted that in England people with learning disabilities die younger than people without learning disabilities.

LeDeR Programme has been taken up by NHS England in response to the recommendations made by the Confidential Inquiry into the Deaths of People who have Learning Disabilities.  It is part of the NHS 10-year plan for 2019 – 2029.

The work is being completed across Devon together with NHS organisations and Torbay, Plymouth and Devon Local Authorities. The presentation also included:

  • Why review?
  • How is this done?
  • The LeDeR Programme
  • Themes & Issues
  • Letting LeDeR know about a death

Nicole Summers – My Plans for the future – Update

Nicole gave an update to LDPB about her experiences with using different services, which this time included:

My appointment with Jobcentre Plus

What happened at the meeting?

Finding new accommodation

Next Steps

Helen Toker Lester & Kathryn Bird

Presentation about the new HOPE project – a course to help people live better lives.

What is HOPE?





HOPE is a course created by Coventry University.They looked at lots of things that can help people feel better and work with people across England including the NHS.

In South Devon almost 200 people have been on a HOPE course. People with the same needs meet for 2 hours a week in a small group and they meet for 6 weeks.The group is run by two trained people.

LDPB were asked some questions about the course.

  1. Do you think people coming together on a HOPE Course would be useful?
  2. Do you think it would be useful what things should be included in the course?
  3. Would you be interested in helping design a course for people with a Learning Disability?

Update – NHS Improvement

The Learning Disability Improvement Standards for NHS Trusts

Em Wilkinson-Brice

Deputy Chief Executive aqnd Chief Nurse at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.

Update on NHS Trusts Standards

Em Wilkinson-Brice had attended the November meeting to talk about the NHS Improvement standards. The Standards included:

  1. Respecting and protecting people’s rights
  2. Including and engaging people
  3. Workforce (staff)

LDPB in groups to think about and tell us what you thought was important to people with a learning disability when they visit the Royal Devon and Exeter for an appointment or overnight stay. LDPB then sent a report with all the feedback.

NHS have written a report that includes information about how we meet the standards and work that still needs to be done.Some of the work that is being done.

Group work

Sophie and Sally explained what key areas that members of the meeting needed to think about for the group work. Then everyone split into small groups to do this.







