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Joint Engagement Forum (JEF) – September 2019

JEF meeting held on Thursday 26th September 2019


This quarter the JEF discussions included:


New Carers Service and Engagement, Replacement Care Booking System – Billy Hartstein, Manager of Devon Carers contracted services.

Billy described the different types of carers who Devon Carers support and explained how this usually does not include parent-carers of children with disabilities, as they get support from the state as part of the SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disability) offer.

There are 8.8 million adult carers providing care for adults in the UK.

Devon carers undertake carers assessments in order to identify what support needed, ranging from information, advice and peer support opportunities to Direct Payments for social care support.

Billy stated that Devon Carers have staff trained in safeguarding to ensure issues are raised and referrals made appropriately.


NHS/CCG update from new Joint Engagement Officer – Jean Almond and Equality Lead Sally Parker


NHS/CCG engagement:

The JEF heard about engagement which has taken place on the NHS Long Term Plan, which included the JEF, and updates.

The following ongoing timetable for development of the Plan was noted:

Full analysis of engagement feedback currently underway

Draft report submitted on 19th September

Final report submitted by Healthwatch Devon by 4th October

Feedback report published alongside the Long-Term Plan in November.


NHS/CCG equality issues:

The CCG are part of the NHS Equality Delivery system as a means of measuring and improving their approach to equality and diversity in commissioning and other CCG activities. Online engagement had not always reached groups with protected equality characteristics and JEF members suggested other engagement avenues.

The questions the CCG asked are often complex ones and so JEF were given the opportunity helping to help simplify engagement questions for certain audiences.


Local Engagement Round-up

Participants in engagement activities reported on the work undertaken in the last quarter:

Direct Payments Focus Groups

Paul reported how ongoing engagement was taking place on the revised policy, with the latest focus groups convened by Living Options. It was noted that the deadline to give feedback via an online consultation link had been extended and it was agreed to circulate the link to JEF attendees so they could make comments.

Carers Involvement Update

The JEF saw the Carer Ambassador’s (CA) Report. Highlights included 2 CAs joining the Westbank governance board, Cas working on the Devon Dementia Pathways booklet, Cas helping analyse the latest statutory survey results, the Celebrating Care event at Exeter Phoenix.

Autism Involvement Group Update

Martina reported on discussions of Pre- and Post-Diagnosis support, autism awareness amongst GPS and the CCG’s online autism awareness course for the general public.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Leila explained how the service users focus groups have been organised to give feedback from harder to reach groups on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Helping Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE)

The programme is taking off and there will be 3 facilitators in Devon, fully booked training sessions, and developments to tailor the programme for people with learning disabilities, autism and dementia.

Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) Update

The JEF heard an update on the most recent LDPB, which had covered a wide range of issues including:  employment and housing, women standing up to domestic abuse, quality checking, citizenship, community life, the draft adult social care practice model, One Ilfracombe, friendship groups, supported internships, the specialist learning disability website, carers support, LD Liaison Nurses, and community transport.

Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) and Co Production Group

JEF heard about CIG discussions on Technology Enabled Care & Support (TECS) for the generation of ‘I statements’ to underpin the commissioning strategy and contracts.

The JEF then watched the Co-Production video which featured members of the Co-Production Group reflecting on the challenges of Co-Production in an honest, co-productive way, which had been filmed by Living Options.




