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Joint Engagement Forum (JEF) – June 2019

JEF meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2019

Wonford Community Centre, Exeter

10.30am – 2.45pm


The meeting discussed the following:

NHS Planning, engagement and equality updated

Jon Sewell presented, representing Nicola Bonas and Sally Parker, this included:

  • The NHS Long Term Plan
  • Understanding our population
  • CCG governance arrangements
  • Engagement and promotion
  • Sharing knowledge and good practice
  • Improving outcomes and experience
  • Monitoring and reporting equality
  • Devon wide Themes
  • Tech
  • Sustainable workforce
  • What can NHS to keep you healthy for longer
  • Children and young people mental health

Jon explained what they are going to do to change their approach to delivering services and how JEF can help engage people in the planning and development process.

Linking with DCC, the Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) engagement on the NHS Long Term Plan will now be aligned up with the local authority’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, so ensuring that when DCC undertakes engagement the CCG feeds into its rather than duplicating effort.

Communications Questions

The group were given 5 -10 minutes to jot down answers to questions, this information would be taken away to feed into the engagement plan pot.

Health and Wellbeing Board Update – Simon Chant on behalf of Diana Crump

Simon talked the JEF through the paper, this included:

  • Devon Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Priorities and Outcomes Monitoring
  • Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Timeline
  • Joint Commissioning in Devon, the Better Care Fund and Governance Arrangements
  • Devon’s Loneliness Campaign update report
  • Working Together Protocol for Strategic Partnerships in Devon
  • Sustainable Transformation Programme (STP) update and feedback of involvement of Devon Health and Wellbeing Boards
  • Dementia Update

Local Engagement Round Up 

Carers Involvement Update – June Wildman and Anne Brand

Carer Ambassadors Report:

With the appointment of a new Carers Lead at Devon Carers, the team of Carers Ambassadors is beginning to become more cohesive and the numbers are starting to increase the report included some of the activities that have been completed or are on-going.

The JEF members were impressed with the carers work and Paul noted how well connected and joined up the Carers Ambassadors work is. Paul also noted that by using the local engagement contract DCC was able to hold carers focus groups after the national Carers Survey before last and that the views expressed in those groups eventually led the Scrutiny Committee to look into carers issues with a Spotlight Review about to take place on 15 July.

Autism Involvement Group Update – Paul Giblin

Paul explained that the Case for Change had been discussed at the Autism Involvement Group (AIG) after it was agreed by the STP’s Planning & Delivery Executive Group (PDEG). There is short term 4-year investment for pre and post diagnostic support to reduce the waiting lists.

AIG now sends representatives to the Devon Safeguarding Adults Board Community Reference Group.

Dimensions for Autism (DFA) has grown significantly since it started and now has an LGBT+ members group, a women’s group and is now working with Hikmat on BME issues.

Devon Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) Community Reference Group – Leila Manion

Leila took the JEF through the report from the DSAB Community Reference Group, which included:

The Safeguarding Community Reference Group (SCRG):  following approval of the Terms of Reference on 12th February, the SCRG has now met twice and formed a working group to provide user feedback in relation to the new Safeguarding website which has made it more accessible.

The next SCRG will work on the Safeguarding Adults Board Business Plan.

Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) and Co Production Group – June Wildman

CIG had an update from Mark De Bernhardt Lane on implementation of Social Prescribing across the STP footprint.

The Co-Production Group has made a video to show their experiences of co-production and are in the final stages of planning a co-production workshop to show their findings of working in a co-productive way to social care staff.

Kath noted that the co-production methods developed by the Group will now start to be incorporated into the CIG meetings

Help Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE) programme update – Kathryn Bird

HOPE is a programme developed by Coventry University to help people overcome their problems using peer support. Groups of people with similar needs have been meeting across Torbay and these are proving to be very successful. The course helps people to focus on themselves and is not clinical. Now groups are going to be set up for rest of Devon, and there will hopefully be approximately 1000 people attending courses over the next year. There are already 32% less A&E hospital admissions because of the courses across the country, and it helps with social isolation, empowerment and forming and sustaining friendships.

Equality promotion at Provider Engagement Network (PEN) Conference feedback – Paul Giblin

A year ago, Paul, along with Hikmat, Living Options Devon and other equality organisations, ran an equality awareness and challenge session for two DCC Adult Social Care Leadership Groups. They were then asked to do a similar event with independent adult social care providers and so this became a central theme of the Provider Engagement Network (PEN) conference in May. This upbeat event included music performed by members of The Turning Tides group, equality & diversity presentations and workshops, a Q&A session with the relevant DCC Cabinet Member Andrew Leadbetter and senior manager Ian Hobbs, plus of networking opportunities- and feedback from the event was overwhelmingly positive.

Learning Disability Partnership Board update – Robert Hawken

May Meeting – 21st May.

The focus of our May meeting was health. LDPB heard from people with a learning disability from across Devon. The feedback will be used to write a report for commissioners.

The Devon Quality Checking Team gave a presentation. Their job is to check health services across Devon and they will be helping to make sure people get the right help and a good service. There are 14 paid Quality Checkers.

The aim of the project is to make sure more people with learning disabilities and Autism can live in the community by making health and care services more sensitive to their needs.

The Citizenship Project Update – Lloyd Waterman

Lloyd updated on the Citizenship Project, and how they have been working with people with learning disabilities in different parts of the county starting in Crediton, working with Turning Tides Project.

Transforming Ageing Update – Paul Giblin

The national Transforming Ageing programme was set up by the Design Council to give older people the chance to influence entrepreneurs and decide which ones get project funding. This has resulted in innovative new projects in Devon, with very positive involvement of empowered older people.

One Barnstaple – Carol Mcormak

Carol launched One Barnstaple at Barnstaple library, to help tackle isolation and loneliness. It aims to make it easier for people to be seen, heard, valued and assisted in a way they need. At least 30 groups of people attended. Over 600 people had the opportunity. The bee keeping group was very popular. People were asked about what they like about living in Barnstaple, encouraging them to talk to each other and join up services. The event enabled engagement on many different levels.





