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Commisssioning Involvement Group (CIG)- April 2017

CIG meeting held on 25th April 2017

Summary of meeting

The CIG discussions included:

Brief Update on Replacement Care

Paul Collinge updated the group on replacement care; he had presented a paper to the senior management team and the decision made was to pursue the preferred supplier list of replacement care services. These could include:

Care homes supported living

Extra care housing

Host families and replacement care, sitting services.

The list would be completed and made accessible to as many people as possible including those without access to the internet.

Care Homes Project Update

Paul explained that they were going to be providing an overview of the residential nursing care for older people but would not cover all areas of the contract. The launch date has been put back and the reason for this is due to the complexity of some of the features.

The Initial timescale has changed from 1st April 2016 to October 2017.

The aims of this project are to:

  • Secure compassionate and personalized care and support with NHS support.
  • Promote good quality care services where individuals and their families/carers are well supported, and they feel safe.
  • Make sure care homes promote people’s independence, self-care and are able to make their own decisions.
  • Make sure there are a range of providers for people to choose from.
  • Have placements available when they are needed.

Some of the key aims of this project is to make the placement process more efficient and ensure current placements are regularly reviewed. As well as improving the quality of care home placements in Devon and Torbay and to pay a fair and transparent price for care.

The project will include a personal profile tool, trusted reviewer model and a bed vacancy management tool.

The group then took part in a Q&A session regarding this.

Kath Bird explained that going forward the Joint Engagement Board (JEB) to the Joint Engagement Forum (JEF).

From April 2017 a new contract has been put in place for the involvement of service users, by Devon County Council and the two NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups.

The new contract is accompanied by changes to the Joint Engagement Board (JEB) which met for the last time in its established format in March.

Rather than funding 5 networks of service users and carers who made up the core of the JEB, we will now fund a range of groups to work on discrete issues, and the Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) is one of those.

In keeping with views received when we consulted on the shape of our engagement contract and activities, we are replacing the Joint Engagement Board with a wider Joint Engagement Forum (JEF) and the CIG’s work will be presented to that Forum on a quarterly basis.

