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Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) – June 2018

Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) meeting held on 12th June 2018 

 Summary of meeting

The CIG discussions included:

Paul Grimsey informed the group about our work towards having more integrated care and health services, and more integrated planning and commissioning, then gave the group an opportunity to give their views on our progress so far and what they think is most important in working towards more integrated services, and more integrated planning and commissioning.

Joint Integration

Paul gave a presentation to the group which included information explaining that Integration is a way of breaking down barriers between different organizations and sometimes within organizations that have different departments and how this is done.

The joined-up service and experience aim to prevent people from ‘falling through the cracks’ and/or waiting between one service ending and another beginning. This is happening Nationally.

There was an opportunity for questions and answers afterwards, subjects included:

  • Concerns about sharing personal information
  • The process of electronic systems and how information is stored

What is happening in Devon

Plans to have jointly integrated, strategic commissioner, for health and social care.

The meeting was informed of plans to integrate the CCG and DCC, so that they are working along side each other in the future, this will help with:

  • Decisions about how money is spent
  • Addressing long term conditions
  • Arranging preventative services
  • Joint Health Care services such as Nursing Homes

Better Links

 Paul explained the need to link up different needs of individuals, for example those with physical health problems alongside mental health problems.

One key challenge will be the complexity of people’s needs, the types of services they need and the range of organizations that commission and provide these services.

What we want to achieve by working together more closely.

 People are more resilient and there is more prevention in the system, it is more joined up and fewer people need to go to hospital and people have more control of the services they receive.

Views from Joint Engagement Forum.

Paul outlined the views from the Joint Engagement Forum, issues addressed were:

  • Dementia
  • Mental health services
  • Complexities of mental health problems.
  • GP services providing more links to information

ToR Refresh / Ground Rules for the CIG

The group reviewed the new version of the ToR and gave feedback for additional changes to be made.
