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Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) – January 28th 2020

CIG meeting held on 28th January 2020

 Summary of meeting

The CIG discussions included:

Previously the CIG members had discussed the idea of running the CIG using the Principles of Co-Production. Before this could happen, all members needed to be clear of the principles, so members of the CIG subgroup – Co-Production Working Group planned and presented a Co-Production Awareness session as part of the CIG agenda, this included:

  • An Introduction – with some background about how the idea of Co-Production came about.
  • Mini debate – members were split into groups and given time to write down their thoughts about what Co-Production and what the most important aspects are.
  • Videos on Co-production – The group were shown 2 videos. One a Co-Production quiz and the other a video about the differences between Co-Production and Participation. Members discussed their content

Kath read through the Principles of Co-Production and how we use this to measure if we are doing Co-Production properly. The Principles were developed by National Endowment for Science Technology and Arts (NESTA) and are used nationally.

Videos on Co-production

The group were shown 2 videos. One a Co-Production quiz and the other a video about the differences between Co-Production and Participation. Members discussed their content.

Presentation – Co-Production an Overview

Kath talked through the presentation which included:

  • History of Co-Production
  • Why are we promoting a Co-Productive approach?
  • Care Act and Co-Production
  • What makes Co-Production different?
  • Ladder of Co-Production
  • Difference between Co-Production and Co-Design
  • Challenges of Co-Production
  • Examples National
  • Examples Local
  • New Ways of Working

Your Turn

CIG was given a scenario to work on; You are looking at starting a new service user group which will be working with the Council to help with social care changes – How would the group operate in a co-productive way?



