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Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) – December 2018

Commissioning Involvement Group (CIG) meeting held on 4th December 2018

Summary of meeting

The CIG discussions included:

Membership Pack

It was previously decided that a membership pack for the CIG would be put together to give to new members when they join. This pack would contain information and documents covering the most part of what you would need to know when first joining the group.

Care Homes Project

Elda Caladrone showed a presentation and shared information about the Care Homes Project and told everyone what they are aiming to achieve in the next 9-12 months.

Co-Production Task and Finish Group Update

 Lloyd Waterman updated the group that after the Co-Production Workshop, a small group was formed to help promote co-productive working. He explained the need to change the culture in DCC so that co-production is fundamental to the commissioning process.








