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Autism Involvement Group (AIG) – March 2021

AIG meeting held on 30th March 2021


This AIG discussions included:

ADHD/ASC referral pathways and guidance – Assessment for autism / changes in DPT

AIG heard a short presentation which included:

1.Local Choice Policy
2.Referral Routes
3.Update on Mobilisation Plans for Increased Capacity in Assessment and Post- Diagnostic Interventions.

AIG members were given the opportunity to ask questions.

ASC & ADHD Waiting List Developments

The presentation included:

•Investment by CCG into both sides of service has allowing progress with a significant recruitment campaign.
•Autistic individuals, and those with ADHD involved in process.
•Mix of clinicians and admin staff recruited

AIG members were given the opportunity to ask questions.

Dimensions for Autism (DFA) Update including Autism Alert Card

Alert card funding
Devon Link Up had asked Dimensions for Autism (DFA) to take the Autism Alert card on. Funding for card has been decided which will be for 2,000 cards and includes admin costs, DFA hopes to have a team to respond to the alert card once it begins being issued. DFA will be deciding what the card will look like at a meeting on 7th April and will be meeting with DC Police on 14th April to finalise details. DFA hope that their website information can be included on the card which will help to raise awareness of what they do.
Link to DFA website –
DFA Update
AIG heard the latest information about meetings and groups that they provide for autistic people all over Devon.


