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AIG meeting summary August 2022

Commissioning – Devon County Council and NHS Devon joint item on strategic way forward for commissioned services-
  • A presentation was shown to the AIG including subjects like:
  • Autism and Learning Disability: National Strategies.
  • NHS England and the Autism and Learning Disability Strategic Plan.
  • What people have told us.
  • One Devon – Learning Disability and Autism -The Five Pledges.
  • Measuring Outcomes.
  • Governance and Reporting.
All-age Autism pledges for Devon and the All-age Autism Pathway Transformation Group (AAPT):

Livewell Southwest continued the presentation and spoke more about development of all age autism pathway under pledge 3 to adress the disparity of access across all age groups.

Devon County Council Operations:

DCC Autism and ADHD Adult Social Care Team performance information, a piece of work including addressing their review numbers and most pressing situations are being prioritised and addressed.

Devon Partnership Trust/ DAANA:

A presentation was shown including DAANA working with Trusts Suicide Presentation Team to ensure appropriate training in understanding Autism; and a year-long pilot exploring the development of a diagnostic and treatment pathway for adults with Tourette’s and Tics. (Run by DAANA and RD&E Neurology)

DAAIT is now receiving referrals.

SEND- EHCP- A pilot project has improved the way in which DPT contributes to Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and learning on this will be out across the country.

NHS Devon Engagement Team:

Joint Partnerships and Involvement Manager introduced himself to the AIG and what work he has done. System Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead introduced herself and exciting upcoming work including involvement with multiple cultural festivals over the next few months.
