Weekly Attendance Survey
Many of you have already completed and returned the first weekly Attendance Survey to us. Thank you, we hope you found it quick and easy. The information you send to us will be used in the return that we are required to make to the Department for Education (DfE) every Thursday.
As with all things new they can take time to get used to; we spotted that the email we sent to childminders said Dear [enter childminder name]. Sorry about that.
If you tried to access the Attendance Register you will have found the information about your provision has been removed. We are no longer using this system. The Weekly Attendance Survey replaces the Daily Attendance Register.
You will be sent the Weekly Attendance Survey every Thursday to be completed and submitted by 23:00 the following Wednesday. This gives us a few hours on Thursday to send off the collated information to the DfE before we send you the Weekly Attendance Survey email for the following week.
There is a new mailbox for your to email about the Weekly Attendance Survey Childcare Information – childcareinformation-mailbox@devon.gov.uk. Please do not use the schools daily returns – mailbox any more.
We have started to draw up frequently asked questions based on feedback and comments that we have received and these will be posted on the early years and childcare COVID 19 webpage.
Did your attendance survey arrive?
Some of you have been in touch to say that you have not received the survey.
- have you checked your spam/junk folder?
- has it gone to a different person in your organisation (e.g. the person who was completing the Daily Attendance Register – we are using the same email)?
- there may have been a problem with delivery of the email (e.g. too many emails in the recipient inbox, server unreachable)?
- there may have been a delivery issue our end (smart survey sometimes struggles with Yahoo addresses – this is being looked into)?
We are not confident that a solution for the last issue will be in place soon enough. If you think this may apply to you can you please email childcareinformation-mailbox@devon.gov.uk and give us a different email address that we can use just for the attendance survey? We appreciate that this is not ideal for you but it is the only way that we can be sure to be able to send the survey to you so you can tell us about childrens attendance. We are very grateful for your help.
If you would like the unique link sent again, email the childcare information mailbox and the link will be sent between Tuesday-Thursday. It will be sent again to all providers who have not responded on Tuesday next week.