Update on identifying Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) children
We are trying to increase the take-up of Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) in Devon so that more funding is reaching Early Years providers to support disadvantaged children.
Due to changes on the Citizen’s Portal, when parents/carers apply for two year old funding, they give consent for us to make an automatic check for EYPP when their child becomes eligible for the 3 & 4 year old funding. We will make this check on a regular basis as we know that family circumstances do change. Once a child is eligible for EYPP, it will continue until the child starts school (reception).
If there is a ‘P’ in the funding column on the Headcount task or Amendment task, this indicates that the child is entitled to EYPP. It is therefore not necessary for you to collect the parent/carer information or add it to the portal. If the child is a 30 hour child, EYPP is only payable on the 15 hour universal entitlement. We will apportion the allocation of EYPP funding across both settings and you will see this on your Payment Breakdown Report.
Some children may have joined you on 2 year old funding with a Golden Ticket and we will not have their details to make an automatic check. Where there is no ‘P’ in the funding column, and you think the parent/carer may be eligible, please collect the personal details in the usual way and add the information to the parent/carer tab on the relevant task. Once the data has been submitted and processed we will run a check and advise you of the outcome via a Provider Portal report.
For any children that may be eligible for EYPP due to other reasons and do not have ‘P’ in the funding column i.e. Child in Care, Adopted, Under a Special Guardianship Order/Child Arrangement Order, please continue to ask the parent/carer to complete the EYPP Declaration Form for Children in Care and email it to eyef@devon.gov.uk as these applications need to be processed manually.
We hope this new process will help reduce the administrative time for providers, identify eligible children at the earliest opportunity and increase our take up of EYPP.