Speech, Language and Communication Needs updates

There have been many changes to Speech and Language support during the COVID pandemic.

Here is a summary of current information and weblinks for additional support:

Lets Talk More (LTM)

The current LTM plan is:

  • Screens can be used in situations where it is possible; (not recommend doing the screen virtually) but anyone working with children face-to-face who wants to use the screen can do so
  • Devon is not currently collecting data
  • LTM strategies can be used with families as and when required (for those that have had a screen or those where there is a concern around Speech Language and Communication Needs)
  • Referrals for children aged 2-3 can be made to Speech & Language Therapy without an accompanying LTM screen at this time.

We are also looking at the new Early Language Identification Measure (ELIM) tool that was released just before Christmas. More details of how this will be rolled out in Devon to follow Shortly.

 Useful Links

  1. Links to Devons Speech and Language Face book pages:
    School age
  2. Tiny Happy People is a government backed scheme aimed to help parents improve communication with very young children
  3. Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) advice line: 03333219448 (manned daily 2.00 – 4.30pm). You can call them with any SLT concerns
  4. Drop-in sessions for under 2’s are being planned – These will be advertised on our Facebook pages
  5. DIAS – Devon Information Advice and Support; for Special Educational Needs and Disability often have good links and share information well
  6.   Antenatal-5 universal document is a good source of advice and info
  7.  I-Can links
  8. Graduated Response

Children and Family Health, Devon’s Speech and Language Therapy Service

Children and Family Health, Devon’s Speech and Language Therapy Service will be continuing the virtual drop-in sessions for parents and professionals after a successful pilot project:

  • Tuesdays-2nd February 2nd March 30th March 20th April, 9:30am-11:30am
  • Thursdays – 18th February 18th March 8th April 1pm-2:30pm

1. Log on

2. Sign in using the code “Drop In”

3. The Therapist will see that you are in the waiting area and will join the video room when they are ready.