Latest training for early years and childcare providers
Please find below the latest short courses and eLearning for early years and childcare providers in Devon.
Much of the training is delivered remotely via Microsoft Teams.
Some of the training is bookable via the DEL training website, in which case you will need a DEL training account to book onto the training. If you need a DEL account to be created please contact the Early Years Workforce Development team.
For training not listed on the DEL website you will be redirected to the individual provider’s booking system.
Printable version of the latest training (Word doc)
Safeguarding training
Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection (Group 3 Core)
Safeguarding training for the Designated Safeguarding Lead / Deputy Safeguarding Lead of an early years and childcare setting. Training is delivered via a blend of digital, online, eLearning and home study.
- 13th October 2021 (9:30am – 1:00pm) and 15th October 2021 (1:00pm – 2:30pm)
- 15th November 2021 (9:30am – 1:00pm) and 19th November 2021 (1:00pm – 2:30pm)
- 10th January 2022 (9:30am – 1:00pm) and 14th January 2022 (1:00pm – 2:30pm)
- 9th February 2022 (9:30am – 1:00pm) and 11th February 2022 (1:00pm – 2:30pm)
- 9th March 2022 (9:30am – 1:00pm) and11th March 2022 (1:00pm – 2:30pm)
Fully funded for Designated Safeguarding Lead / Deputy. Book your place here.
Early Years Child Protection Refresher (Group 3) virtual training
Training for those who have completed the Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection (Group 3 Core) and need to refresh their knowledge. The training will be delivered via eLearning, a digital quiz and a virtual session via Microsoft Teams.
Dates for the virtual sessions:
- Saturday 16 October 2021 (9.30am – 3.30pm with scheduled breaks)
- Tuesday 9 November 2021 (9.30am – 3.30pm with scheduled breaks)
Fully funded for Designated Safeguarding Lead / Deputy.
Book via the DEL training website.
Virtual Safeguarding Awareness (Group 2)
This virtual course aims to raise awareness of the need for child protection and to have a knowledge and understanding of relevant procedures. This session is suitable for all those working in the early years and childcare at level 2. This virtual session is an alternative to the safeguarding awareness group 2 eLearning.
Dates for the virtual sessions: tbc
Fully funded.
Book via the DEL training website.
Paediatric First Aid
To book onto the Paediatric First Aid training, please contact us to arrange suitable dates and to discuss the best option of training for you.
Training is delivered in the following formats:
Option 1:
- 6 hours independent study (eLearning, books)
- 6 hours skills assessment (in person; small groups of 4 maximum).
Option 2:
- 6 hours independent study (elearning, books)
- 4 hours skills assessment (via Microsoft Teams)
- 2 hours skills assessment (in person – small groups of 4 maximum)
Cost: £65 per person.
Short courses
Provider Network Meeting (virtual)
An opportunity for early years and childcare providers, including childminders, to receive the latest updates on a variety of topics.
Dates for the virtual sessions:
- 3 November 2021 (6.30pm- 8.30pm)
- 9 November 2021 (6.30pm- 8.30pm)
- 17 November 2021 (6.30pm- 8.30pm)
Fully funded, you can book your place here.
Overview of Early Years Funding and completing your Autumn Headcount
We will be running three training sessions with regards to the Autumn Term Headcount.
These sessions will be held via Microsoft TEAMS as follows:
- Overview of Early Years Funding : Wednesday 22 September (11.00am – 12.00pm)
- Completing your Autumn Term Headcount : Wednesday 29 September (11.00am – 12.00pm) and repeated on Monday 4th October (1.30pm – 2.30pm)
Fully funded.
Book via the DEL training website.
Play training
The aim of the session is to raise awareness of the underpinning legislation behind the need to provide the opportunity and space for children’s play, the role of the playworker and the theories that support our understanding of children’s play.
Open to all early years practitioners, in particular out of school club practitioners.
- 21 October 2021 (10am – 2pm) – will be delivered either face to face of virtually (tbc)
Fully funded
Book via the DEL training website.
Oral Health Improvement training (virtual)
With the recent introduction of oral health being included in the EYFS, and with the 2019 statistics that almost one in four children aged 5 have experienced tooth decay, the Oral Health improvement team are offering a free two hour training session.
The training will cover:
- The consequences of poor oral health
- Diet and its impact on the dentition
- Causes, symptoms and how to prevent tooth decay
- Techniques and support for helping people maintain good oral hygiene
Dates for the virtual sessions:
- 14 September (6.30pm – 8.30pm)
- 6 October (6.30pm – 8.30pm)
Fully funded.
Book via the DEL training website.
Moving and Handling training (provided by Babcock LDP)
A two hour online theory session on Moving and Handling (virtual training) plus practical in-school / provision training session to be arranged (initial training).
- 28 September 2021 (9.30am- 11.30am)
- 2 December 2021 (9.30am- 11.30am)
- 3 February 2022 (9.30am- 11.30am)
- 15 March 2022 (9.30am- 11.30am)
Suitable for any staff working with a child or young person who has Physical/Movement difficulties (not suitable for those working with children who have emotional or behavioural difficulties requiring physical interventions).
Cost for initial training: £30. Book via the DEL training website.
Cost for refresher training: £20. Book via the DEL training website.
Babcock LDP also offer a Moving and Handling – Introduction/Theory training session costing £30. Booking through the Babcock LDP training website.
Operation Encompass – Devon Early Years
This Operation Encompass fully funded ‘On line Key Adult training’ is available even if your setting is not yet part of Operation Encompass. The training updates staff members’ knowledge of child victims of domestic abuse.
Suitable for the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Lead in early years and childcare settings and Designated safeguarding practitioners in Children’s Centres that will be responsible for Operation Encompass information.
Fully funded.
Book via the DEL training website.
A Warm Welcome: Fuel Poverty, Health Impacts and Assistance (fully funded and facilitated by National Energy Action)
This course is designed for frontline staff and volunteers working with new and expectant families who want to learn about fuel poverty, its causes, and links with physical and mental wellbeing. The course looks at the causes and impacts of fuel poverty with a focus on the health impacts in pregnancy and for newborn babies. It aims to help delegates identify those likely to be at risk from cold homes and signpost to assistance.
- 27 September 2021 – 9.15am registration for a 9.30am start, finish at 12noon.
- 30 September 2021 – 1.15pm registration for a 1.30pm start, finish at 4pm
Fully funded.
There are only 20 places available on each of the above courses.
Register your interest here. You will be emailed if you are successful in getting place.
Portage Workshop
This is a certificated training course delivered by National Portage Association Accredited Trainers.
This workshop will look at ways in which to support both a child with special educational needs and their family.
The workshop will be delivered face to face over 2.5 days:
- 24 November 2021 (9.30am – 4.30pm) – Newcourt Community Centre, Exeter
- 1 December 2021 (9.30am – 4.30pm)- Newcourt Community Centre, Exeter
- 9 December 2021 (9.30am – 1.30pm) – Newcourt Community Centre, Exeter
Cost: £30 per person
This course will go live on the DEL training website soon.
Happy Families, Happy Futures: supporting families experiencing harmful parental conflict – webinar
These events will provide an opportunity for participants to:
- experience a taster session of the interventions available for parents experiencing harmful inter-parental conflict
- recognise when the Happy Families, Happy Futures offer could be suitable support
- understand how to explain the offer to parents to support engagement and the referral process
This event is suitable for practitioners supporting children and their families living within BCP, Devon, Dorset, Plymouth, Somerset, Torbay and Wiltshire. The Happy Families, Happy Futures offer is a strand of work within the Department for Work and Pensions national Reducing Parental Conflict programme and provides funded interventions for parents.
These events will be delivered by the family support workers facilitating the interventions.
- Tuesday 14 September at 12.30pm to 1.45pm – delivered by Home-Start South and West Devon – book your place
- Wednesday 15 September at 12.30pm to 1.45pm- delivered by Whitehead Ross Education and Consulting – book your place
- Tuesday 21 September at 9.30am to 10.45am- delivered by Exeter Community Initiatives – book your place
Please click the date of the event you would like to attend to book via Eventbrite and to receive a joining link.
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) – webinar
KCSiE guidance has been updated and one of our Commissioned Training Providers is presenting this webinar to help Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) implement the changes from September 2021 onwards.
Book your place and you’ll also get a ready-made staff briefing presentation and instant access to online KCSiE information.
Date: Wednesday 9 September at 4pm
- All the key updates of KCSiE – what you need to know
- What the updates mean in practice – what do you need to do
- Live Q&A session with our highly experienced safeguarding team
- PowerPoint presentation to use to brief your other staff members
Suitable for anyone in a school or early years and childcare setting who has DSL (or deputy DSL) responsibilities.
Register your interest and book a place here.
Fully funded.
We have a range of eLearning courses available for you to access via the DEL training website, many of which are fully funded:
Multi-Agency Safeguarding & Child Protection (Group 2 Core) eLearning
Operation Encompass – Devon Early Years
Prevent training developed by the Home Office (eLearning)
Introduction to Communication and Language Development (eLearning)
Introduction to Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) (eLearning)
Introduction to Physical Development (eLearning)
Introduction to Play (eLearning)
Observation, Assessment and Planning (eLearning)
Learning and Development Requirement of the EYFS (eLearning)
Speech, Language and Communication (eLearning)
Preparing to be a Childminder (eLearning) (£50)
NSPCC – Safer Recruitment eLearning (£35)
An Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control eLearning
Allergy Management (eLearning)
Committees and Trustees eLearning
Preventing Infections in Childcare – provided by FutureLearn