Early Years Funding Spring Term 2021
Can we firstly update providers regarding funding for children where parents have chosen for them not to attend. We have confirmed funding for the 6 week lockdown period but now we know that is extending we can provide the following update. Funding can continue to be claimed for the remainder of the spring term for non-attendance but parents must be made aware as per our previous Spring Guidance.
The Spring Headcount Task deadline has now passed and we would like to thank providers who submitted their claims on time. We are starting our data checks so please could we ask that you regularly check your Provider Portal messages in case of any overclaim or audit queries.
The Portal message will clearly set out what action is required and we now have a “Provider Process for Pupils Sharing Early Years Funding” to try to avoid overclaims from occurring. Each term we have over 200 pupil overclaims so following our recommended process will resolve these queries either before you submit your task or quickly if a conflict is identified. Resolving these over the next week will be priority for the funding team so please do respond as quickly as possible.
The processing of incoming pupil records this term has caused a lot of matching queries and providers have been contacted to confirm details of children that were submitted. We understand that sometimes the information from parents can be incorrect but can you please ensure that the date of birth is seen on a birth certificate, passport etc and that the legal name is used for funding claims.
Hours claimed for funding must be in whole, half or quarter of an hour for weekly but only whole or half hours for termly hours. If decimals are submitted they are reduced down. If weekly hours are adjusted termly hours will need to be recalculated.
Payments for Spring Headcount are due to be processed by Friday 12th March but this is subject to any data queries being resolved promptly.