Community Health Contracts Survey
NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group, (Devon CCG), is working jointly with Children and Family Health Devon and Livewell South West to undertake a review of the current community health contracts for children, delivered by Children and Family Health Devon, and Livewell South West, across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay.
This would include the following services:-
- Public Health nursing
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Children’s community nursing
This is to help Devon CCG understand how service provision is being delivered as well as the likely impact of COVID on demand for children’s services.
Devon CCG are looking to seek feedback from partners who are also working to support children, young people and families, as well as users of the services, to inform this review and help to provide a baseline assessment to support the establishment of the Devon Strategic Children’s Board.
They are asking that practitioners working with children, young people and families, including those in adults services who might work with people transitioning from children’s services complete this short survey.
The survey will close at midnight on the 5th November 2021 and a summary of the feedback received will be shared in January 2022 on the CCG website, as will information on service development based on learning from the review, later in 2022.