0-2 Community Action Grant funding

  • Does your group need some extra funding?
  • Do you know another group who would benefit from some additional funds?
  • Are you a parent or carer who is thinking about starting a group but would like some financial or practical assistance to start-up?

If the answer is YES, we can help!

Action for Children have been awarded further funding by Devon County Council to assist groups and organisations who support parents and carers of 0-2 year olds who may have been affected by the pandemic and they are inviting applications for funding to help you set up or expand your current provision. It may be for some additional resources for your group, or to help with venue hire costs.

We would like to see a range of affordable services across Devon, either existing or new groups, who can support these parents and children.

If you, or someone you know would like to apply, please email for more information: communityaction@actionforchildren.org.uk

Community Action 0-2 Grant Funding poster

Action for Children logo text