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Before requesting an assessment

Most children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will not need an EHCP and can have their needs met by the SEN provision in their school, college or education setting.

For more information on support at different ages please visit our webpages for early years (ages 0-5)children and young people (ages 5-18) and preparing for adult life (ages 14-25).

We also have information on additional activities and support for families, which includes support groups, short breaks for respite, childcare and wraparound care, and how to find suitable activities for your family in Devon.

Request an assessment

Some young people who have long-term or more complex needs and/or disabilities may need further support provided by us. If your child isn’t making good progress with the SEN support provided by their education setting, then you may need to request an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment to see whether an EHCP is the next step.

We have detailed the process that happens after an assessment is requested and the timescales involved.

You can also find out more about what you can do if you’re not happy about the decisions that are made once you have requested an assessment.

What is an EHCP?

An EHCP* is for young people aged 25 or under who are in education or training and need additional support to the SEN support provided by their school or education setting. It sets out a child or young person’s education, health and care needs and the extra support required to meet them.

*EHCPs were known as Statements of Special Educational Needs before the introduction of the Children and Families Act 2014.

We have produced a useful explanation of what’s in an EHCP.

EHCPs are reviewed annually and can be re-assessed when needed. Find out more about the review process here.

When a young person reaches the age of 16, we can work directly with them on their EHCP, however, the process can still include their family. Find out more about EHCPs for 19-25-year-olds.

EHCPs are not required or issued to access university (higher education), but they can be used to inform the other support available at the university.

What makes a good EHCP?

Professionals across education, health and care have worked alongside the co-chairs of the Devon Parent Carer Forum to agree on a common set of standards about what an EHCP should be.

This has been informed by the thoughts of parents gathered through the forum and gives us a common set of principles that we are all agreeing to work with and use.

More information

More information on EHCPs
