Guide: Secondary school transport
- Introduction
- Whose responsibility is it to get a child to school?
- How do I check if my child is eligible for free school transport?
- How are distances measured?
- What if I am on a low income?
- What if my circumstances change?
- Transport to faith schools
- Transport to grammar schools
- Code of conduct
- Applications
- Moving house
- Appeals
- Route safety
Transport to faith schools
Transport will not be provided on faith grounds unless the school is the nearest to your home address and you live more than three miles from the school.
However, if your child gets free school meals, or you get the maximum level of Working Tax Credit your child will be entitled to transport to the nearest faith school to your address provided;
- Your child is attending on faith grounds
- The school is over 2 miles and up to a maximum of 15 miles from your home
This entitlement is reviewed annually and transport provision may be withdrawn if your circumstances have changed.
To confirm that you receive the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit we need to see your new TC602 Tax Award Notice each year. However, if your financial circumstances have not changed since the previous financial year you will not have to complete the HMRC annual review and will not be sent a TC602 Tax Award Notice automatically. We advise you to request a copy of the TC602 Award Notice by phoning the Tax Credit Helpline on 0345 300 3900 and explain you need it as evidence for transport assistance for your child. Please do this as soon as possible as it can be several weeks before you receive the TC602 form.