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Childminding between friends

Investigating unregistered care

Sometimes people complain to Ofsted about childcare they believe should be registered. Ofsted investigate all complaints to make sure that children are safe and not at risk and not being cared for in circumstances where registration is required.

If they find the childcare is between friends, without any payment being made, then Ofsted ask all the friends involved in the arrangement to confirm this and will take no further action.

If there is payment involved, or the arrangement is not between friends and is for reward, Ofsted will take action to ensure the childcare becomes registered or ceases. If they have concerns about a potential risk of harm to a child they will contact the local authority safeguarding team.

Ofsted Voluntary Register

If you don’t need to register with Ofsted, you may still choose to do so by joining the voluntary part of the Childcare Register. Contact Ofsted for more information.

If you are still not sure if you need to register as a childminder and need more information contact Ofsted ( on 0300 123 1231 or email

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This page was last modified: 6th May 2015
