Wraparound childcare
The national wraparound childcare programme (WAC) is part of the childcare reforms announced at the 2023 Spring Budget. The government’s ambition is that by 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-aged children who need it will be able to access term time childcare in their local area from 8am-6pm, so that parents can access employment and improve labour market participation.
What is wraparound childcare?
Wraparound childcare is childcare that is provided before and after the conventional school day. It can also refer to provision in the school holidays. Many parents rely on the invaluable support from wraparound childcare to enable them to work. This means it needs to be regular and dependable.
Wraparound and holiday childcare can either be:
- on a school’s site (run in-house by the school or in partnership with a provider)
- at a nearby school or private, voluntary or independent (PVI) provider
Right to request childcare
Parents can request that the school their child attends considers establishing wraparound or holiday childcare. This includes prospective parents. Schools and trusts should:
- work with their local authority and any relevant landowner to consider these requests
- respond to them in a transparent way
- take the lead in managing the right to request process
- make the final decision about what action to take
Parents can make a request for children from reception up to the end of key stage 3 (year 9), and up to age 18 for disabled children. Where there is demand, you may also want to consider wraparound or holiday childcare for under 5s or for year 10 and above.
A parent’s right to request only refers to the school that their child attends.
The right to request only applies to childcare and doesn’t extend to extra-curricular activities.
Wraparound childcare guidance for schools – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Finding and paying for childcare
- To find out about existing wraparound care options talk to your school or search our Find Childcare in Devon (Family Information Directory)
- If you are unable to find suitable childcare please use the following: Get help to find childcare
- If you need support to fund childcare, please see: Early years funding and help with childcare costs