Key feedback themes
Take a look at what we’ve done, and what we are doing, in response to what you’ve told us – we’ve grouped your feedback into seven key themes and will be updating these quarterly.
You fed back to us a number of issues relating to communication, including information available, timeliness and the quality of responses.
Co-production and engagement
You shared with us your frustrations about a lack of inclusion around planning at individual, service and strategic levels.
You were keen for us to get a better understanding of the hopes and dreams of your children, encourage them to have higher aspirations and support them in achieving them.
Partnership working
You fed back to us that a lack of joined-up working across the Local Area partnership is impacting on the support being delivered and the overall experience of yourselves and your children.
Earlier intervention
You shared your thoughts on the limited support currently available to ensure children and young people with SEN get the right support, at the right time and in the right place.
Education, health and care plans
You shared your frustrations at the timeliness and quality of Education, Health and Care needs assessments and the resulting plans.
Preparing for adulthood
You want to see better support for young people as they transition into adulthood, and a wider range of opportunities available to them.