Some people (aged 18 and over) with learning disabilities and very complex health problems may qualify for Continuing Health Care (CHC). Find out more about the Continuing Health Care Learning Disability Commissioning Team who carry out CHC assessments
Depending on your circumstances one option for your care and health package from the NHS could be a personal health budget.
Who can have a personal health budget?
If you are under 18 and meet children’s continuing healthcare criteria, you can request a personal health budget for appropriate elements of your healthcare. Instead of the Commissioning Team purchasing a service, funding will be made directly available through your parents.
If you are over 18 and you have a disability or complex medical problem, you might qualify for free NHS continuing healthcare (CHC) which could be in the form of a personal health budget; the eligibility criteria are different so you will need a different assessment.
What’s it for?
The aim of a personal health budget is that children, young people, young adults and their parents or carers have greater choice, flexibility and control over the healthcare they receive.
How do I get one?
If you think you may be eligible for a personal health budget, you can discuss this with someone who already provides your healthcare, such as a nurse or physiotherapist.
You can find out more about personal health budgets on the NHS website.