Becoming a young adult usually means lots of changes are happening all at once, and you’re having to make big decisions about your future.
This can be quite stressful, and you may be feeling worried or anxious, so it’s really important that you look after your mental health as well as your physical health.
Mental health advice
There’s lots of information available to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing:
- Our Health for Teens website has loads of advice about feelings, including topics like anxiety, exam stress, resilience and much more – they can also put you in touch with local specialist support services if needed.
- Young Minds website is full of advice and information to give young people the tools to look after their mental health.
- Kooth is an online forum that young people can join to get advice support.
Getting mental health support in Devon
If you’re aged 11 to 19 and are worried about your health and wellbeing, Devon’s school nurses are here to help you with a wide range of issues such as emotional health, relationships, self-harm, bullying, alcohol, healthy eating, drugs and smoking and more.
Text your school nurse on 07520 631722
Our adult social care website has more information about the mental health support available for young adults.