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Devon’s SEND Local Offer

Guidance for parents: using the EHC Hub for an EHCP review

We have put together a useful guide to using the EHC Hub for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) review.

Registering to use Devon’s EHC Hub

Please see our guidance for registering to use Devon’s EHC Hub.

Invitation to review

Watch this short video below about using the EHC Hub to accept an invitation to a meeting.

Step by step guidance to replying to a meeting invite.

When will I know about the review meeting?

At least two weeks’ notice must be given to all invitees. However, we hope that in most circumstances you will be given a lot more.

We recommend that meeting organisers (usually the school’s SENCo) give at least a terms’ notice or around 16 weeks. This allows professionals time to plan their attendance or consider how they can contribute to the review if they can’t attend.

You will also be asked to provide your views ahead of the meeting.

Who will attend?

On the invite, you will be able to see who has currently been invited to attend.

This will include representatives from education, health and social care as well as representatives from your child’s school or setting.

If you would like to have others invited who do not appear on the list, please contact the meeting organiser.

Next steps

  • Confirm attendance or speak with the meeting organiser if the date is unsuitable.
  • Make the meeting organiser aware of any special requirements such as access to the building.
  • Consider whether there any professionals that the organiser has not invited but should be asked to contribute.
  • Contact Devon Information support and Advice (DiAS) on 01392 383080 or at if you would like any support in preparing for the meeting.

How to contribute your views

Watch the short video below for more information about using the EHC Hub to contribute your views.

Step by step guidance to providing your views prior to an EHCP Review Meeting

What information will I be asked for before the meeting?

Ahead of the scheduled EHCP review meeting, the meeting organiser will request you to share your views and the views of your child or young person. They will also ask if you feel that progress is being made towards the outcomes set out in the current EHCP.

The EHC Hub will prompt you to answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel that progress is being made towards some or all of the outcomes set out in the EHCP?
  • What do you feel has been working well?
  • What do you feel is not working well and you would like to be different?

The answers to these questions will be used in the final report.

The EHC Hub will also ask for important things to know about your family history. For example:

  • things that are working well at home and school
  • things that are not working well and you would like to change
  • your hopes and aspirations for the future
  • other information you think is important

Please note these will not be used in the report but may help inform the discussion.

This information can be recorded as images, video or text and uploaded to the hub.

If you need any help to contribute your views you can contact DiAS for support on 01392 383080 or by email on

What will be shared before the meeting?

In preparation for the meeting, the organiser will also request the views of all involved professionals, teams or organisations as well as gather any updated information, reports or assessments.

All information gathered will be shared with everyone who is invited to the meeting, two weeks before.

The meeting

Before the meeting, the organiser will make note of those in attendance and share any apologies that have been received. They will also share any new information or reports that have not been previously shared.

During the meeting, all those in attendance will discuss:

  • your views, feelings and the wishes of your child or young person
  • your child’s progress towards their outcomes and whether they are still appropriate
  • what provision is required to help your child prepare for adulthood and independent living
  • your right to a personal budget

They will review:

  • any interim targets set by the early years, school, college or education provider
  • set new interim targets for the coming year and, where appropriate, agree new outcomes
  • any arrangements for direct payments

For children and young people in year nine, a discussion should take place about preparing for further education and/or adulthood. More information and links to useful resources can be found on the Preparing for adult life section of our website.

The meeting chair should ensure that the views on how the child or young person is currently progressing towards each outcome, as well as any recommendations for changes/ amendments to the EHCP, are accurately recorded.

The report

Within two weeks of the meeting, you will receive the meeting report. This will also be shared with anyone who was invited to the meeting.

The report is a result of the discussions held at the review meeting and the views/ information that was provided ahead of that meeting.

  • Each section of the report includes a view on how your child or young person is currently progressing towards each outcome, as well as any recommendations for changes/ amendments to the EHCP.
  • We will consider the contents of the report and any supporting documentation/ evidence and will publish our decision on whether the EHCP needs to be amended, ceased or maintained in its current form until the next annual review.

The decision

Within four weeks of the meeting taking place we will decide whether to:

  • keep the current EHCP as it is
  • amend the EHCP
  • cease to maintain the EHCP

We will also include a brief reason for our decision.

Next steps

Keep the current EHCP as it is – The plan will continue to be maintained and will be reviewed within 12 months of the review being concluded.

Amend the EHCP – If the plan needs to be amended, we should start the process of amendment without delay. We will share a copy of the amended plan and you will have 15 days to comment on the proposed changes.

Cease to maintain the EHCP – We will cease a plan if the review evidences that the outcomes have been met or the young person is moving to higher education or employment.

System support

If you need any support with using our system, you can contact the team at or on 01392 380434 (Option 2). Phone lines will be open weekdays, 10am to 4pm.

Downloadable version: Guidance for parents or carers on EHCP reviews
