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Devon’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer

EHCPs for 19 to 25-year-olds

We have a duty to secure education for children and young people with EHCPs.

Young people aged 19 to 25-year-olds with EHCPs have their funding provided by the Local Authority and the Education Funding Agency (EFA).

All students aged 16 to 19 (and students up to the age of 25 where they have an EHCP) should follow a coherent study programme which provides stretch and progression, and enables them to achieve the best possible outcomes in adult life (SEND Code 7.5). In particular:

  • it is the Local Authority’s duty to ensure that they have access to the right support and opportunities that will prepare them successfully for adulthood by helping the achieve agreed outcomes in their plan
  • further education colleges must continue to use their best endeavours to secure the SEN provision needed by young people aged 19 to 25
  • 19 to 25 years olds with EHCPs should have free access to further education in the same way as 16 to 18 year olds.
  • 19 to 25 years olds with SEN but without an EHCP can chose to remain in further education

As each learner progresses through their education, their plan will be reviewed and updated. From year nine onwards the focus of each EHCP must be on preparation for adulthood and what each child or young person wants to achieve in their education.

When a learner reaches 18 years old their EHCP should outline what outcomes the learner needs to complete their education and funding will continue as long as the plan is needed.

Young people with an EHCP may need longer in education or training in order to achieve their outcomes and make an effective transition into adulthood. Each learner’s plan should identify what they need to accomplish to complete their education and clear outcomes linked to their aspirations.

Learners without an EHCP can also continue to access education between 19 and 25. Support for this can be accessed through their further education college for their SEN needs.
