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Devon’s SEND Local Offer

Autism and Us

Support for parents or carers (resident within the Devon County Council footprint) of primary or secondary aged children (5-16) who are either on the neurodiversity assessment waiting list or who have received a diagnosis of autism.

Our ‘Autism and Us’ programme and associated themed or topic based workshops have now been adopted as a Devon County Council (DCC) core offer, which means the long term sustainable and consistent delivery has been secured for families.

They will be delivered each term of the academic year, by members of DCC’s SEND Communication and Interaction Team.

We continue to offer access for parents and carers of children and young people who are currently on the neurodiversity assessment pathway, in addition to families of children and young people who have received an autism diagnosis.

Attending the Autism and Us parent programme gives you opportunity to develop your understanding of autism and look at practical solutions to managing and supporting your child’s presenting needs, whilst also connecting with other parents or carers.

Autism and Us programmes

  • Four weekly ‘live online’ sessions (approximately two hours each) related to the following topic or themes
  • Weekly ‘live online’ sessions (approximately two hours each) related to the following topic or themes
No.Programme topicProgramme one dateProgramme two date
1Autism overviewTuesday 24 September: 10am – 12pmThursday 14 November: 4.30pm – 6.30pm
2SensoryTuesday 1 October: 10am – 12pmThursday 21 November: 4.30pm – 6.30pm
3CommunicationTuesday 8 October: 10am – 12pmThursday 28 November: 4.30pm – 6.30pm
4Understanding and supporting behaviourTuesday 15 October: 10am – 12pmThursday 5 December: 4.30pm – 6.30pm

Booking a place on the programme

Apply direct by email to to secure a place on either of the above programmes, or express your interest for forthcoming programmes.

We’ll confirm your booking request, and provide you with a direct link to the event. They will be delivered online ‘live’ via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Additional topic-based workshops

We will also be offering the following very popular themed or topic based workshops, which lead on from the Autism and Us programmes. These cover themes and topics that may be a priority area for you against your child’s presenting needs.

Workshop topicDate and time
DiAS (Devon Information and Advice Service) and PCFD (Parent Carer Forum Devon)Thursday 17 October: 10am – 12pm
Autism – Sensory processing and integrationTuesday 5 November: 9.30am – 12pm
Autism and girlsWednesday 23 October: 9.30am – 12pm
Autism – Demand avoidance and PDAWednesday 20 November: 10am – 12pm
Autism – Communication (speaking children – support strategies)Tuesday 10 December: 10am – 12pm
Autism – Managing stress and anxietyThursday 7 November: 10am – 12pm
Autism – Vulnerability and online safetyThursday 14 November: 10am – 12pm
Autism – Communication (non/limited speaking children – support strategies)Thursday 21 November: 10am – 12pm

Booking a workshop place

Apply direct by email to to secure a place on any of the above topic based workshops.

We will confirm your booking request, and provide you with a direct link to the event. They will be delivered on line ‘live’ via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Useful autism resources
