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The description below is for an image or graphic that appears in the page: Appendices

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The image shows the joint commissioning cycle, as published by the NHS.

There is a small blue circle at the centre which says patients and public.

Around the small blue circle is a bigger circle which has three equal segments. The three segments, which show the three main stages of joint commissioning are: strategic planning, procuring services and monitoring and evaluation.

Around the outside are 9 arrows, each representing a different part of the commissioning process. There are three arrows for each segment as follows:

For strategic planning:

  • Assessing needs
  • Reviewing service provisions
  • Deciding priorities

For procuring services:

  • Designing services
  • Shaping structure of supply
  • Planning capacity and managing demand

For monitoring and evaluation:

  • Supporting patient choice
  • Managing performance
  • Seeking public and patient views

The cycle then repeats.

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