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Children and young people trust that they will receive effective, reliable and consistent support which enables them to be happy and healthy. We will see and check that:

  • Children and young people are central to planning their support
  • A system wide quality of practice framework is in place which builds on children, young people and families feedback to ensure good quality support

Children and young people are fully engaged in their education and local community. We will see and check that:

  • Children, young people and families tell us that we are listening, hearing and acting upon it
  • Children, young people and families are engaged in co-production and participate in their community.

Early access to services means children and young people are thriving and resilient. We will see and check that:

  • Timely high quality services wrap around children and young people, and access to support will be based on need
  • Services for needs such as Autism;speech,language and communication;or social, emotional and mental health needs, are delivered at the right time.

Children and young people are fulfillining their potential and achieving their goals. We will see and check that:

  • Children and young people access local inclusive education,work and training opportunities
  • Planning for adulthood begins early, and is based on young people’s individual needs, interests and circumstances.

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