Devon Procurement Services – future projects pipeline

The procurement pipeline provides details of upcoming projects which we intend to deliver during the forthcoming years.

The data is for guidance, subject to change and cannot be guaranteed.

Providing the visibility of this pipeline does not mean that all opportunities will be advertised or that a supplier will be invited to the tender opportunity.

CP RefContract TitleContract DescriptionContract AuthoritiesEstimated Overall Total Contract CostTimeframe for Pipeline ProjectsProcure Team
CP1044-15Highways TMCMaintenance of the highwayDCC £ 294,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1222-15Composting of Garden WasteTransport & processing of wasteDCC £ 35,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1236-15Processing of Food Waste2 Service Lot contracts; one for the waste from the east region of Devon and another from the west of Areas of Devon.DCC £ 8,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1262-16Operation of the 18 Recycling CentresOperation of the 18 Recycling CentresDCC £ 50,000,000 Within 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1411-17Disposal of N. Devon & Torridge collected wasteTransport & processing of wasteDCC £ 70,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1607-18Composting of Garden waste (N.Devon, Torridge & E. Devon)Transport & processing of wasteDCC £ 4,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1671-18Professional Technical Services Contract (TEPS)Specialist professional services relating to Transport and Engineering.DCC plus District Partners £ 70,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1761-19Street Light MaintenanceThe maintenance of street lightsDCC & Torbay £ 24,500,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1879-20Contract for composting South Ham District Council's garden waste £ 2,078,227 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1935-20Design and Application of Carriageway Surface DressingDesign and application of surface dressings on the carriagewayDCC £ 24,000,000 Within 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP1946-20Maintenance and Improvement of Public Rights of Way 2021-25The maintenance and improvement of Public Rights of Way DCC £ 10,000,000 Within 12 monthsInfrastructure
CP2245-22Bikeability cycle trainingCycle trainingDCC £ 2,500,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP2366-23Fleet Maintenance ContractVehicle maintenanceDCC £ 2,000,000 Within 12 monthsInfrastructure
SM/WasteTransfer of Teignbridge's waste to PlymouthTransport of wasteDCC £ 3,750,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
SM/WasteExeter Energy from Waste disposal contractManage energy siteDCC £ 210,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
SM/WastePlymouth Energy from Waste PlantManage energy siteDCC £ 180,000,000 Over 24 monthsInfrastructure
CP2458-23Carer Support ServicesSupport for Young carersDCC and NHS £ 17,500,000 Within 24 monthsServices
The Provision of Community Equipment ServiceCommunity Equipment for adults and childrenDCC and NHS £ 38,000,000 Within 6 monthsServices - Adults
CP1426-17Joint Carers Lot 1 Caring Well In Devon (Adult Carers)Carers support services for adult carers DCC and NHS £ 2,174,112 Within 18 monthsServices - Adults
CP1439-17Children's CentresChildrens centres accross the DCC foot printDCC £ 34,000,000 within 12 monthsServices - Adults
CP1458-17Complex Lives Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence and AbuseDomestic Violence and Abuse support services DCC £ 7,200,000 within 6 monthsServices - Adults
CP2144-21Supported Living ServicesAdult care and support in supported living accommodationDCC and DPT £ 72,000,000 Within 24 monthsServices - Adults
CP2453-23Complex Dementia Residential CareBed placements for people with high complex dementia needsDCC and NHS £ 12,720,000 within 24 monthsServices - Adults
CPXXXX-XXHospital Discharge Transformation Programme
(Pathway 1)
Personal care (community) to assist hospital dischargeDCC and NHS £ 28,324,000 within 12 monthsServices - Adults
CP1619-18Supported Living Options for Children Looked After & Eligible Care LeaversSupported Living Options for Children Looked After & Eligible Care LeaversDCC £ 13,628,000 within 12 monthsServices - CYPS
CP1734-19The Provision of Healthwatch and Local Engagement in the County of Devon which includes Devon County Council, Plymouth CStatutory Health Watch services pluss call of Local engagement DCC, Torbay and Plymouth and NHS £ 3,360,000 Within 24 monthsServices - CYPS
CP2491-24ISS & AP Approved Provider ListApproved Provider List for Independent Special Schools (ISS) and Alternative Provision (AP)DCC £ 480,000,000 Within 12 monthsServices - CYPS
CP1421-17Substance MisuseSubstance misuse services (Drugs and Alcohol)DCC £ 4,200,000 within 24 monthsServices - Public Health
CP1731-19Devon Youth ServiceYouth services within Youth centres and the community DCC £ 12,325,000 Services - Public Health
CP2482-24Tree Management FrameworkFramework Agreement to provide Tree management services for Devon, Split into lots for Tree Surgery and inspections (both scheduled and ad hoc) as well as mass removal of trees (To Predominantly deal with trees affected by ash dieback). This framework would cover services involving both highway and non highway work. DCC plus Partners (user agreements) £ 20,000,000 Within 6 monthsTree's & Civils
CP2452-23 Joint Adults’ and Children’s Systems Programme (JACS)Devon County Councils Joint Adults’ and Children’s Systems Programme (JACS) is seeking a mature and proven SaaS (Software as a Service), a Joint Adults’ and Children’s Case Management and Finance system already in use in another Local Authority setting. Devon County Council £ 10,500,000 Within 6 monthsTech & Comms
CP2463-24Devon & Torbay Local Electric Vehicle Infrastrucutre (LEVI)DCC and Torbay Council have been allocated £7,067,000 funding and £958,000 funding respectively (£8,025,000 in total) through the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Capital Fund. The aim is to deliver a step-change in the deployment of local, primarily low power, on-street charging infrastructure across England and accelerate the commercialisation of, and investment in, the local charging infrastructure sector. Concession Agreements.DCC & Torbay plus District and Parish Councils £ 8,025,000 Within 6 monthsInfrastructure
CP2549-242025 Standing List of Approved Contractors Reprocurement of the existing standing list of approved contractors that has been in place since 2016 - Arrangement is used to provide a list of pre approved contractors across a range of 37 work categories and split across 10 geographic areas. DCC plus Partners (user agreements) £ 20,000,000 Within 6 monthsInfrastructure