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How does telecare work?

Connected telecare is where a unit is fitted to your telephone point and mains power supply along with the sensors you need. This is then connected to a monitoring centre.

Connected telecare includes:

  • environmental sensors which monitor things like smoke, carbon monoxide levels, temperature and overflows around the home
  • fall detectors which raise an alarm if you fall down and can’t get up
  • bogus caller alarms so you can call for help if you are worried
  • door entry and exit sensors if you are inclined to leave your home when it is not safe

If you press the call button, or if one of the sensors is triggered, the telecare unit makes a telephone call to the control centre. The system at the control centre will tell an operator who the person is and the type of sensor that has been triggered. The operator will try to speak to you through the telecare unit to find out if you need help. If you are unable to answer the operator, they will contact either:

  • your family, carer, friends or neighbours
  • the police, ambulance or fire and rescue service
  • the district nurses
  • your home carers

Stand-alone telecare refers to pieces of equipment that aren’t connected to a monitoring centre. This may include:

  • in-home call systems which enable you to alert your carer if you need help
  • movement sensors which alert the carer if you have opened your front or back door
  • pressure pads which alert your carer if you get up so they can provide the support you may need to prevent a fall
  • medication dispensers which remind you to take medicines and can dispense the correct dose
  • memory alarms to record reminders to follow daily routines, keep appointments and take medicines
