Sexual abuse at boarding schools by staff

How many school staff have been accused of the sexual abuse of a pupil from the boarding schools listed below since the introduction of the Local Authority Designated Officer role in 2007? This figure will relate only to incidents which were reported to your local authority/ LADO, and ‘since 2007’ refers to when reported to you, rather than when the alleged incident took place

We hold the information to answer all these questions but as disclosure may identify individuals it is exempt under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act – Personal Data.

2) This information should be broken down by case and should include:

a) The year the alleged incident was reported to the Local Authority/LADO (calendar year)

b) The year the alleged incident took place (calendar year(s)

c) The job title of the accused staff member, to be limited to ‘teacher’ or ‘non-teacher’

d) What was the judgment made during the allegation management meeting? Options include unfounded, unsubstantiated or substantiated, or add another as needed (NB: specific details of further actions followed are included in questions below)

e) During the investigation into the allegation, or following its conclusion, did the council/LADO or school report the alleged incident to the police (answers should be ‘yes’ or ‘no’).

f) Was the staff member suspended as a result of the incident (answers should be ‘yes’ ‘no’ or ‘don’t know’).

g) Was the staff member disciplined or given a written warning as a result of the incident (answers should be ‘no’, ‘disciplined’, ‘written warning’ or ‘don’t know’).

h) Was the staff member given further training as a result of the incident (answers should be ‘yes’ , ‘no’ or don’t know’).

i) Was the staff member dismissed as a result of the incident (answers should be ‘yes’ , ‘no’ or ‘don’t know’).

j) Did the Local Authority/LADO or school send a referral to the Disclosure and barring service about this incident (answers should be ‘yes’ , ‘no’ or ‘don’t know’