No-deal Brexit risk assessments, training and funding

1.Please send me any risk assessments you have done for a no-deal Brexit.

The Council’s Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services Scrutiny Committee considered the 2018/19 Risk Management Annual Report at its meeting on 25th June 2019. That report included a risk assessment of the pressures which might directly impact the Council’s services as a result of the UK’s exit from the European Union – see page 7.

2. (If not already answered in question 1) What are the risks you have identified in the event of a no-deal Brexit?

Please see the response to the previous question.

3. (if not already answered in Qs 1 or 2) What are the risks you have identified for rural communities in the event of a no-deal Brexit?

Please see the response to Question 1

4. How many training exercises have been carried out so far by organisations involved in your Local Resilience Forum, from 1st April 2017, to help prepare for a no-deal Brexit? What was the purpose of each exercise?

We do not hold information in relation to the Local Resilience Forum. We have carried out 3 training exercises which benefit preparation for no-deal Brexit. Two sessions were refreshing our corporate Recovery Training and exercising and the third was a scenario based exercise.

5. How many no-deal training exercises are planned between now and October 31st and what is the purpose of each?


6. How much extra funding have you received to deal with and prepare for a no-deal Brexit?

Devon County Council received £175,000 from Government to enhance capacity and capability to coordinate preparations for, response to and recovery from a no deal Brexit.

7. How many staff do you have working full time on preparing for a no-deal Brexit?

The Council has not appointed any staff to work on preparing for a no-deal Brexit. At present one existing member of staff has been seconded to do so full time and other employees may be reassigned as demands change.

8. How much has no deal Brexit planning cost you to date? For example in terms of salaries, training, equipment, building, contracts etc

This information was provided in a response to a previous request.

9. Has any council funding been diverted from other areas to spend on preparing for, or dealing with, a no deal Brexit? If so, where did that funding come from?
