Community equipment services (provision of Daily Living Aids)

1) Is an outsourced organisation (or organisations) used to deliver the service? If so, what is their name?

Yes, Millbrook Healthcare Ltd

2) Does the service provide other services or equipment in addition to daily living aids? If so, what are they?

In partnership with the Independent Living Centre, Devon County Council provide an advisory service for Non-Stock and Bespoke Equipment and Technological Equipment including subsequent delivery, assembly, fitting/installation, collection & recycling. Providing Minor Adaptations (Ramps, rails, etc) through appropriately qualified Driver Technicians

3) For how long has the outsourced organisation(s) been providing the service?

Commenced 01.06.2017

4) If your service is shared or commissioned with other authorities, please name the other authorities and state who is the lead/coordinating commissioner?

With NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Devon County Council leading

5) When was the service last tendered?


6) When will the service next be tendered?


7) When does the current contract expire? Please provide details of any potential contract extensions.

End date is 31.05.2024

8) Is equipment purchased separately, e.g. through a framework agreement rather than via the provider organisation? Please state the names of any agreements if so.


9) How much was spent on the service in the last financial year?

£ 7,335,289 closing spend figure for 21/22

10) What is the size of the population covered by the service?

Approx. 850,000

11) How many registered users does the service have?

13,989 in 2022

12) Re: patient choice. Does the service routinely operate on Saturday or Sunday?

Saturday is a normal working day 08.00 to 18.00. 24 hour Out of Hours delivery and repair service only on Sunday.

13) Re: patient choice. Does the service routinely operate after 5pm, Monday to Friday?

Yes until 18.00 then out of hours service after that until 08.00 the next morning.

14) Re: patient satisfaction. Please provide the results of the latest patient survey?

We do not hold this information.