Care home waiting

1. The number of people waiting for a place in a care home in November every year from 2010 to 2022

Devon County Council does not hold this information as it is not information that we record.

2. The number of people waiting for a package to received care in their own home in December every year from 2010 to 2022

We do not hold this information dating back to 2010.  We have shown data for the most recent five financial years.

The table below provides the snapshot figure from our records taken at the nearest available date to the end of December for each year.

Snapshot People
02/01/2018 72
08/01/2019 114
07/01/2020 167
05/01/2021 119
04/01/2022 276

While people are waiting for their package of care, we have mitigations in place to ensure people are safe and their immediate needs are being met.

3. For assessments for care and support from new clients each year from 2010 to 2022, please provide the average (arithmetic mean) time in days between the request for assessment and the assessment being completed, as well as the longest and shortest wait experienced by any individual

We believe that compliance with this request, to provide the longest and shortest wait experienced by an individual, would exceed the appropriate costs limit under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which is £450 or 18 hours of officer time.

To identify, locate and retrieve this information, we would have to manually review over 12,000 cases for each year, at five minutes per case, this would be in excess of the appropriate cost limit.

We have shown data for the most recent five financial years.

Financial Year arithmetic mean wait (days)  unvalidated figures
2017-18 35
2018-19 26
2019-20 29
2020-21 29
2021-22 39

4. For care and support from new clients each year from 2010 to 2022, please provide the average (arithmetic mean) time in days between the assessment and the commencement of the planned care package, as well as longest and shortest wait experienced by any individual

We believe that compliance with this request, to provide the longest and shortest wait experienced by an individual, would exceed the appropriate costs limit under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which is £450 or 18 hours of officer time.

To identify, locate and retrieve this information, we would have to manually review over 4,000 cases for each year, at five minutes per case this would be in excess of the appropriate cost limit.

We have shown data for the most recent five financial years.

Financial Year arithmetic mean wait (days) unvalidated figures
2017-18 27
2018-19 17
2019-20 18
2020-21 18
2021-22 25

5. According to the council’s estimate, how many carers are currently resident in the council area? and how many carers have been resident each year between 2010 – 2022

Devon County Council does not hold this information. We have shown published data for the most recent five financial years (Data Source: NHS Digital Finance and Activity Tables) 

In 2019-20, we changed our count methodology to include eligible carers known to Devon Carers (commissioned carers service), but not recorded on our care management system.  This resulted in an significantly increased carers cohort in 2019-20.  We have continued to apply this methodology to capture the level of support provided to carers as part of our pandemic response.

For the last 2 financial years, Devon Carers have been in contact with every carer on the Charity Log, mainly through the provision of a newsletter resulting in increasing numbers of carers included in the return.

Financial Year Carers
2017-18 3,680
2018-19 3,425
2019-20 19,715
2020-21 34,990
2021-22 42,095