Special Educational Needs Children

1. The number of children & young people on Devon County Council (DCC) records with an Education Health Care Plan for social, emotional and mental health and/or autistic spectrum conditions

4,287. Please note this includes children and young people of all ages (0-25)

2. How many of these children & young people are in:
– mainstream education
– maintained special schools
– independent special schools
– alternative provision / not in education

Mainstream education = 2,203

Maintained Special Schools = 495

Independent Special Schools = 640

Alternative Provision/not in education = 330 This number includes children who are beyond statutory school age but who are not currently in Employment Education or training.

3. How many of these children & young people are awaiting placement in a special school?

DCC do not hold a centralised waiting list for special schools in this way, because the local authority must secure provision for all children with EHCPs.