Violence at work – policies, data and support

Part 1 – Your violence at work polices

1. Do you have a policy/policies in place to protect employees from violence at work?

Yes  –

Policy on Safety from Violence and Aggression

Lone Working Policy

Personal Safety Arrangements

All of these policies were last updated in January 2018)

2. Are these policies built into the commissioning process for organisations delivering outsourced services? (Yes/No)


We should clarify, however, that when developing contracts and commissioning services we consider the specific nature of the service and ensure that relevant process is protected, this could include a statement to say that providers will work in line with the principles and strategies of Devon County Council.

In many cases organisations providing services will have their own versions of these policies

Part 2 – Violent incidents and monitoring

3. Do you collect data on violent incidents?


4. If so, how many violent incidents did you record in the following years:

The below includes those incidents happening to employees of intentional / unintentional violence, threatening behaviour and control & constraint incidents. This includes maintained school staff.
2018/19 598
2017/18 612
2016/17 708
2015/16 787

Part 3 ‘ Staff training and support

5. Are risk assessments conducted for:
* Public facing staff:  Yes (as part of the general legal duty on all employers to risk assess work activities)
* Lone working staff:  Yes (further to the  above, there are also specific Lone Working Risk Assessments completed)

6. Do staff receive training to ensure they are aware of the appropriate way to deal with threatening situations?

Yes (Personal Safety course face-to-face is offered, also Difficult Customers course online)

7. Is advice, support, or counselling available for staff who are victims of violence at work?

Yes.  Support, advice and counselling is provided by DCC’s Employee Assistance Programme