Staff Travel

Please can you provide all information for the financial year 2019-20, and where possible for the year 2020-21.

1. The total amount spent on travel costs for local authority staff.

We can confirm that the 2019/20 gross spend on transport was £4,020,938
As at 18/01/21 the 2020/21 gross spend on transport is £1,367,274

Please note that:
• all figures exclude schools and partnerships spend
• all figures exclude transport for Adults and Children’s clients
• all figures exclude the cost of running the DCC works vehicle fleet
• 20/21 figures exclude transport funded by government grants specifically in response to the Covid-19 emergency

2. A breakdown of travel costs by method of transport, including but not limited to taxis, trains, and airplane flights.

We do not hold this information

3. The total number of local authority staff who claimed for travel costs.

We do not hold this information

1. The total amount spent on first class travel for local authority staff, including but not limited to first class train travel and first class airplane flights.
2. The total number of local authority staff who claimed for first class travel costs.

In response to both these questions, we only ever book 1st class travel on trains when it is cheaper than a standard ticket e.g. 1st class advanced. We never book 1st class flights.  We can confirm that out of 961 Rail bookings between 09/12/2019 and 0912/2020, we booked 4 1st Class tickets