Special Educational Needs at Pupil Referral Units

How many students with SEND (including those with EHCPs) were on roll at a Pupil Referral Unit for some or all of the academic year 2016-2017 –

We hold this information but as disclosure may identify individuals and be in breach of the first principle of the Data Protection Act it is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40(2) Personal Data.

Q2. how many were in Devon County Council run Specialist Schools and how many were in all other educational establishments, including independent schools, mainstream and alternative placements. –

1048 in Devon County Council Maintained Special Schools and 15906 in all other educational establishments including Independent, Mainstream and Alternative placements (not limited to Devon) – but not including Nursery or Further Education.

Q3. How many of the students on roll at Pupil Referral Units have SEND in terms of numbers and percentages.

For the number see the response to Q1. The percentage is 33%.

Q4. Of these how many have Autism Spectrum Disorder?

We hold this information but as disclosure may identify individuals and be in breach of the first principle of the Data Protection Act it is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40(2) Personal Data.

Q5. How many students on roll at Schools Company Schools were registered as having a Special Educational Need and what percentage of all students on roll with Schools Company had a SEN in 2016-2017.

2016-2017 (3 census returns) Pupils on roll Pupils with SEND %of total with SEND
Number of pupils 444 406 91%

Data source: School Census Autumn 2016, Spring 2017 & Summer 2017 – All pupil Listings
Please note: Census is a snapshot of a point in time during the academic year and is therefore based on pupils on roll at that time.

Q6. How many students on roll at Schools Company Schools had autism spectrum disorder in both 2016-2017 and 2017 – date of closure in 2018.?

2016-17 (Spring 2017 census return only) Pupils on roll Total Pupils with ASD as primary need
Number of pupils 289 8
2017-18 Pupils on roll Total Pupils with ASD as primary need
Number of pupils 324 9

Primary need only captured in spring school census so information provided is based on numbers on roll in spring only (not whole year).Data source: School Census Spring 2017 & Spring 2018 All pupil Listings
Please note: Census is a snapshot of a point in time during the academic year
This data is provided with the proviso that it is data on individuals who have primary need recorded as ASD – it is not all children with ASD diagnosis, that information is not held.