Special educational needs and disability (SEND) schools

1a) How many SEND Schools do you have in the county?

We have 11 Local Authority (LA) maintained or academy special schools, 2 non maintained special schools and 15 independent special schools

With regards to the following questions, this information is managed by schools. Therefore, it is not held by the LA.  A direct request would need to be made to the school. By way of assistance a list of Devon schools and contact details are available Schools Information

1b) Out of these SEND schools, how many have engaged agency Teachers or Teaching Assistants in the financial year ending March 2021?

2) How many agency Teachers and Teaching Assistants were supplied to these SEND schools in the financial year ending March 2021?

3) What was the total spend by your organisation on SEND agency staff for SEND schools in the financial year ending March 2021?

4) Which agencies do you currently use to supply SEND workers to SEND Schools?