Special Educational Needs Funding

I would like to know how many pupils had a placement, or were funded to attend, or had named provision at, The Brunel Centre, St Luke’s, Exeter for the academic years 2016/17 and 2017/18

I would like to know how many pupils with special educational needs and disabilities were funded to attend, or named provision on their EHCP, to attend The Brunei Centre,( St Luke’s ) for the academic year beginning 2018

I would like to know how many pupils currently have placements, or are funded to attend, or have named provision at, The Brunel Centre, St Luke’s, Exeter.

In response to all three questions, we should clarify that the named provision on the EHCP refers to a type of intervention and not a specific intervention.

However, whilst some pupils over the two academic years may have reference to The Brunel Centre the total is very low and a disclosure of the total would risk identifying these individuals.   This would be unfair and a breach of the first data protection principle.   This information is therefore exempt from disclosure pursuant to s.40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.