Road Maintenance and One Way Systems in Devon

“I am writing to enquire about the following for Devon:-

1) The number of speed bumps, and other similar traffic management measures (including but not limited to speed tables, junction tables, round top road humps, entry treatments such as rumble devices, speed cushions and road narrowing) installed.  If a time period is required, please may it be over the previous 10 years.

Devon County Council (DCC) does not hold a comprehensive list of all speed bumps and other similar traffic management measures installed throughout Devon, but notices for Road Humps installed in the last three years are provided here.

2) The number of ongoing and completed road works or maintenance over the past 10 years (broken down by year).

To enable us to answer this question, we would be grateful if you could please clarify what you would wish to be included in  “road works or maintenance” as this is a very wide definition.  Please note that emptying a drainage gully or cutting a grass verge are both categorised as highway maintenance in addition to works such as mending potholes.  As you can appreciate, the total number of roadworks and highway maintenance for the whole of Devon for the past 10 years would be a huge task to locate, extract and retrieve, and it is unlikely that we would be able to supply this information under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Cost of Compliance’.

In the interests of providing advice and assistance, however, please be advised that there is a wealth of highways information, including facts and figures, published on our website here which you may find helpful.

3) The number of one way systems. If a time period is required, please may it be over the previous 10 years.

The above information relating to one way systems is publicly available on our website under ‘Traffic Movement Restrictions’ here

If possible please may I have the total (or estimated) number of installations of these measures, within an excel document.”