Pothole damage compensation claims

1) In the last financial year (2018/19) how much money was paid as compensation for property damage and personal injury caused by potholes?


2) How many individual claims did this represent?


3) Please tell me the value of the biggest claim settled in 2018/19, and the location of the pothole that caused the incident. Please provide a brief description of the incident (e.g. cyclist fell off bike going over pothole and broke their leg)

£15,000 – Claimant tripped due to pothole in road. We hold information about the location but as thus may identify an individual and therefore breach their rights under Data Protection we consider it too be exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40 (2) Personal Data.

Note: All questions relate to compensation paid in 2018/19 irrespective of when the injury/damage took place or when the claim was lodged. No details of costs and payments to solicitors are requested.