Planning Permissions agreed on Developments


“Please provide the following information for planning permissions agreed on developments of more than 10 dwellings in the financial years 2009-10 to 2016-17, or up to the latest year for which information is available.

a)  The planning application reference number

b)   Financial year in which planning permission was agreed

c)   Whether the application was for a site specifically allocated for residential development in the Local Plan

d)  The total number of homes permitted

e)  The total number of affordable homes permitted

f)   The split of affordable homes between: 1) shared ownership / other low cost homeownership; and 2) affordable / social rent

g)  The value (or best estimate of value) of financial contributions payable under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act

h)  Whether S106 contributions were reduced on viability grounds during the application stage

i)   Whether S106 contributions were later reduced through a deed of variation or any statutory power or procedure

We intend to use this information combined with information from your Local Plan to find out information on the impact of viability assessments on affordable housing.”


Please note that Devon County Council is not responsible for planning permissions on developments and therefore does not hold the information requested.  Consideration of planning permissions is a function of District and Unitary councils in Devon. Please contact them directly using the information on the links provided to obtain this information.

If you wish to speak with someone regarding the above request, please telephone 01392 383000 and ask for Information Governance or email

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