Number of BAME students per Education Establishment

What is the percentage of BAME students per Education Establishment (secondary schools and above in Devon).

We are not requesting individual student details or a breakdown of the various BAME background statistics. We would just like a number of total students attending the EE and number or % of BAME students.

Devon County Council does not hold this information. The information is available on the Department for Education (DfE) website, Education Statistics published on 01 September 2020.

Once on the webpage, select ‘download associated files’, click the arrow to the left to reveal the list of files available for download; select ‘school level underlying data’

The data can be found in column H for LA Name = Devon; column N for Phase – Type Grouping = Secondary school; column HY to column JH

See the Council’s Equality and Diversity page for additional BAME Guidance (Black, Asian and minority ethnic)