Mental Health Provision for Children and Young People

“The below questions relate to any information the Council hold in response to the request for services and provision commissioned by the Council.

 1. What specific provision is available in your area for children and young people diagnosed with conduct disorder and those with conduct difficulties? Please list individual services and tiers they fall under (e.g. Tier 2 or targeted; Tier 3 or community specialist or Tier 4 or inpatient).

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are jointly commissioned with NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as the lead commissioner.  Devon County Council contribute to a pooled fund agreement for the provision of these services.  For details of the offer please contact NHS Devon CCG direct – contact details are provided via the above link.

2. What mental health provision is available in your area for children and young people in contact with social services, including looked after children, children in need or children under child protection orders? Please list individual services and corresponding tiers as above.

CAMHS Services are jointly commissioned with NHS Devon CCG as the lead commissioner.  Devon County Council contribute to a pooled fund agreement for the provision of these services.  For the detail of the offer please contact NHS Devon CCG (contact details provided above).  This includes services for children in care, Children in need and children under child protection.

In addition to this, Devon County Council Public Health commission an early help service – Early Help for Mental Health (EH4MH).  This is a universal service open to all secondary school aged children for direct support.  Children and young people can self-refer to this service.

Further information which may be of use to you can be found on the Devon Health and Wellbeing Website

3. Is there specific provision in your area to support young people transitioning from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services? Yes or no answer please. Please specify if CAMHS in your area covers individuals aged 18 and over and please specify the age range covered.

Yes.  Details of how the transition from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS) is supported can be found here on the Young Minds website.  Teenagers need to move from CAMHS to AMHS when they reach a certain age.  It’s usually 18, but can vary depending on where you live. The CAMHS support worker will support the young person through the move, and this will commence 3 to 6 months before it is due to happen.

4. Do you engage with any of the following to understand the mental health needs of children and young people in your area?

a) Healthwatch
b) Children and young people and their families
c) Community and/or faith groups
d) Charities or other NGOs (if yes, please specify which ones)

Yes, when the EH4MH programme was commissioned there was consultation with schools, parents, children, young people and charities (Young Devon).  We have also worked with the Anna Freud Centre, a national organisation.