Licensed horse riding establishments

As the Chief Operating Officer of the British Horse Society I am making a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The BHS are currently in the process of determining the total number of licensed horse riding establishments in the United Kingdom, a figure which we understand is not held by any Government or equine body in the UK. To aid this research, I would like to make a Freedom of Information request regarding the number of licensed horse riding establishments in Devon County Council. The information that we request is as follows:

1) The total number, names and contact information of licensed horse riding establishments ‘ defined as a riding school ‘ that are currently operating within the jurisdiction of Devon County Council in 2018.

2) The total number, names and contact information of licensed horse riding establishments ‘ defined as a riding school ‘ that were in operation within the jurisdiction of Devon County Council in 2017, 2016 and 2015.

3) If some, or all the above information is not available, please;
a) explain why the information is unavailable
b) provide confirmation of whether this information is publicly available and where it can be found (e.g. a website page)

Licences are issued by district, city or unitary councils and therefore Devon County Council does not hold the information you are requesting.

We would therefore recommend that you contact a district, city or unitary council for the information that you are seeking. Contact details can be found on our website at: